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The Future of Medicare Supplement Plans F and C

This year congress passed a bill that will significantly change the available
Medicare Supplement options for seniors. In 2020 the Medicare Supplement Plan F and Medicare Supplement Plan C will be eliminated from the Medicare Supplement plan offerings. This means that no one will be able to choose the Plan F or Plan C for 2020 effective dates. It is important to remember that if a beneficiary already has the Medigap Plan F or Plan C when 2020 comes they will be grandfathered into the plans and will be able to keep them if they choose.

One thing that a lot of people expect is that the cost of the two plans will skyrocket because no new beneficiaries will be addedNo Plan F or Plan C after 2020. to the pool of the two plans. This has not and will not be determined to be true until at least a couple years after this change takes effect. If you have the Medicare Supplement Plan F or C now do not let someone sell you a different plan based solely on the unproven assumption that the premiums will spike later. There may be other reasons to change the plans and you should make sure you talk to an independent agent that has been around long enough with a track record for being honest.

If you have questions and would like to talk to an experienced independent agent that will be truthful and unbiased just give us a call at 1-800-663-5707 or click the button below and fill the form to make a contact request!



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